Day 19
Texas Veggie Fair, Dallas
Is today and I had planned to drive the 4+ hours to attend & show support
for Veganism and compassionate living.
The fact that upon leaving Dallas at the end of the Fair,
I would be traveling for the next two weeks, visiting friends and family, including elderly
80-90 year olds, children, and people with compromised immune systems from
medical treatments, caused a change in plans.
With the viral situation in that area, though supposedly contained,
not worth risk of the unknown.
Will be noshing yesterday's leftovers from game watching that did not go well;
3 of my favorite college teams played so poorly that...well...
Let's just say I completely empathized with the songwriter of
"It's five o'clock somewhere..."
Hope today's NFL games are more entertaining.
No real irons in the fire, though, since my
Houston TEXANS
play MNF tomorrow.